• Australian Council of Engineering Deans
    Australian Council of Engineering Deans

    Creating economic and social impact through our mission and objectives.

  • Advancing Australia
    Advancing Australia

    Advancing engineering education, research and scholarship on behalf of Australian universities.

  • Engagement

    Furthering the interests of engineering education and research in the higher education.

The engineering profession: a statistical overview, 15th edition

This report provides high-level insights about the engineering profession for the period 2016–2021. It contains the empirical data required to make decisions to develop an engineering workforce that will be the backbone of a sustainable, safe and energy efficient future.

The data in these reports are sourced from the Australian Government's Higher Education Statistics Collections and Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) surveys.  The ACED reports provide commentaries on decadal trends, and selected comparisons of engineering with other fields of education. 

ACED Engineering Statistics - April 2022

This report includes the 2020 national student and graduate numbers and other data for Australian higher education programs in engineering and related technologies.  Not surprisingly, the major impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant reduction of the numbers of commencing international students.  Women constituted nearly 20% of the domestic students commencing their bachelor's degree in 2020, continuing the upward participation trend.  Employment and salary outcomes for the 2020 engineering graduates were good.  As for the previous year, engineering graduates were the top ranked field of education for employer satisfaction. 

ACED Graduates by their Branch of Engineering 2016 – 2019

This document reports on the total numbers and distributions of graduates from ACED members’ programs accredited by Engineers Australia at the level of Professional Engineer, across the branches of engineering, for years 2016 to 2019.  This information is reported separately for Bachelor (Honours) degrees and entry-to-practice Master degrees, and for the domestic, and international onshore and offshore cohorts.

The previous four years’ ACED statistical reports follow.

Engineering statistics - December 2020

Engineering statistics - March 2020

Engineering statistics - March 2019

Engineering statistics - 31 January 2018